Egypt and back again

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Categorie: Features

Smack in the middle

Our media has been flooded with stories about drugs, from personal confessions of addicts to the overnight success of books like ¼ Gram. The raw, honest stories, told from the addicts’ point of view have opened up a necessary discussion to create an understanding of the rampant problem in our society. Alter Ego editor Adel […]

Unveiling Possibilities

There is more between heaven and earth than meets the eye, since the beginning of time humans have tried to understand the mysteries of life. For some religion is the answer, for others science will provide the sense of security that makes us feel that we are in control. Not knowing what tomorrow will bring […]

The Surreal Struggle of Daily Life

When the sun has set the ahwas fill up with the tired and the weary. Finding comfort in a glass of tea with many sugars, a shisha tofa’h, and a game of wa’hid-wi-talateen, the average Egyptian male catches up with his neighbours, the latest news, and the world at large. The good natured banter seems […]

a weekend up north

An azure sea, a white beach and large waves crashing on the shore, this is what I pictured the North Coast to be, and this is what I get. I hear myself exhale with a big sigh of relief. This was a really good idea I tell my friend gratefully. It all started two days […]

a collaboration

desolate places..places we go when we feel like society’s abandoned children. Places that are outside of the norm or common focus. Places not of this earth, but carried in the hearts and minds of women and men. Allow me to invite you to a journey to some of these places. Pt. I ‘H’ : Heroin’s […]

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